Getting started


Quick start

A simple bedoon application looks like this

// Loading Config
var Bedoon = require("bedoon");

var config = {
    db: 'mongodb://localhost/mydatabase',
    resources: {

        post: {
            type: 'document',
            schema: {
                attributes: {
                    title: String,
                    content: String


var bedoon = new Bedoon(config);
var port = 3700;
console.log("Listening on port " + port);;

And then run your application

$ node example.js
Listnening on port 3700

And this will automatically generate for you different json apis for handling posts

GET    /post        # to get all your posts
GET    /post/:id    # to get a post by id
POST   /post        # to create a new post
PUT    /post/:id    # to update an existing post
DELETE /post/:id    # to delete a post